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Tuesday, 20 September 2016 11:32

Potential Causes of Itchy Feet

Itchy feet can become the bane of any day: you’re either driven mad trying to resist the urge to scratch; or by the redness, swelling, cracking, and flaking as a result of uncontrollable itching. While the cause could be something benign such as dry skin or excessive sweating, it could also indicate an infection or undiagnosed skin condition. Moreover, if left untreated, other complications could arise, such as a secondary infection.

The itching and burning will only continue to plague you until you accurately identify the source and treat it accordingly. Besides the obvious bug bites or allergic irritation, itchy feet are most commonly caused by a fungal infection or an underlying skin condition. In rare cases, itching could also suggest the presence of another medical condition, such as diabetes. Only examination from a trusted podiatrist can accurately diagnose your foot condition.

Here’s a look at the possible causes of itchy feet, treatment, and prevention tips to keep your feet feeling fresh.

Fungal Infection

When itchy feet are the main symptom, fungal infection is usually the primary suspect: specifically, tinea pedis, or athlete’s foot. Constant exposure to sweat and bacteria, in addition to walking barefoot on contaminated surfaces, make your feet the ideal breeding ground for fungal infection.

Athlete’s foot is an extremely contagious fungal infection which is easily spread through contact with infected surfaces, usually in damp spaces such as showers and gym locker rooms. In fact, it can even be spread through shared towels or linens. The first sign of infection is a dry, scaly rash that causes unbearable itching on the bottoms of the feet and between the toes. While the symptoms can be abated by certain over-the-counter creams, only a podiatrist can effectively cure you of the infection. Once cured, vigilant prevention should be practiced to avoid re-infection.

Skin Conditions

A number of skin conditions can lead to insatiable itching of the feet.

Eczema: Eczema can affect most parts of the body, but dyshidrotic eczema specifically affects the feet and hands. It is characterized by tiny itchy blisters formed on the soles of the feet, which then dry and cause cracking on the skin. If not properly cared for, the exposed skin can become vulnerable to infection. Since dyshidrotic eczema can share symptoms with other skin conditions, a skin sample will likely be taken for proper diagnosis.

Contact dermatitis: Contact dermatitis is a skin irritation that results from contact with an allergen or irritant, which appears similar to a rash. Allergic contact dermatitis is caused by skin exposure to an allergen, triggering an allergic reaction in the affected area. Irritant contact dermatitis is distinct in that it does not involve the immune system, but is instead the result of skin damage caused by exposure to an irritant that rids your skin of its protective surface oils. Common triggers of contact dermatitis include poison ivy, latex, nickel, chemical fragrances, topical medications, and leather.

Psoriasis: Psoriasis is an autoimmune disorder which causes rapid skin cell turnover, resulting in incredibly itchy and scaly dry patches called plaques. The plaques are the result of layers of new skin cells rising so quickly that the dead skin piles atop the surface, rather than gradually sloughing off, form dry patches of thickened skin. Plaques are commonly found on the bottoms of the feet, as well as the elbows and knees.

Additional Sources of Itchy Feet

Here are a few potential, albeit less likely, perpetrators of itchy feet:

  • Diabetes: Skin conditions can sometimes indicate diabetes. A condition called eruptive xanthomatosis produces small itchy bumps on the skin as a result of severe diabetes. The condition subsides once the diabetes is managed and under control.
  • Scabies: Scabies is an infection of the human itch mite which burrows just below the skin to lay its eggs. The infestation causes intense itching which worsens at night, a pimply rash, and tiny blisters. You can also see traces of the burrows on the skin, which appear as thin whitish lines along the surface. Scabies is easily spread, and should receive medical attention to stem the infection right away.
  • Pitted Keratolysis: Pitted keratolysis is a non-contagious bacterial infection, caused by wearing damp, restrictive footwear. It produces shallow pits beneath the toes and soles of the feet, accompanied by itching, burning, and an extremely foul odor.

Prevention Tips

The feet are constantly plagued by bacteria, and need to be cleaned just like your hands. To keep your feet comfortable and fresh, follow these basic hygiene tips:

  • Avoid walking barefoot anywhere, especially on damp communal surfaces.
  • Always wear dry, clean socks and shoes made of breathable materials.
  • Wash your feet thoroughly, and do your best to keep them dry.
  • If someone you know has an infection, do not share towels or linens, and protect your feet from contaminated surfaces.
  • Keep your toenails trimmed and clean.

If you suspect an infection is already present, schedule an examination with a reputable podiatrist right away.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Vikki and Dr. Connie

If itchy feet are wreaking havoc on your life, schedule a consultation with esteemed podiatrists Dr. Vikki and Dr. Connie at the Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center today.

Thursday, 15 September 2016 11:31

Professions That can Exacerbate Foot Problems

There are some professions out there that cause a lot of stress to the arches, balls and heels of the feet, which can lead to other spinal and back discomfort issues, fatigue, and various mental health problems. Health care professionals, construction, hairdressing, office jobs, as well as landscaping jobs are all very different professions with this commonality—all are very stressful for the feet and can cause foot problems and pain.

Health Care Professionals

Hospitals are one of the busiest public places where employees work long hours. Nurses and doctors are always on the move during their long shifts, walking miles each day to serve and assist their patients. This can lead to numerous foot problems such as bunions, flat feet, ingrown nails, and heel spurs.

The foot has dozens of bones, joints, muscles, nerves, blood vessels, tendons, and layers of connective tissue. When working in the health care profession and working those long hours on your feet, the body tissues in your feet can become very stressed, achy, and swollen. If there is prolonged inflammation, this will actually form scar tissue and tire out the bones of the feet.

For those that work in the healthcare profession, be sure to wear comfortable, arch-supportive shoes with shock-absorbing soles, and get them fitted by a professional to make sure they are exactly right for your feet.

Construction Workers

Construction work is a heavy-duty, active profession that puts a lot of strain on the entire body, including the feet. Construction workers have to work in very challenging weather and circumstances and are on their feet for their entire day besides some small breaks. They are required to bend and lift and tend to end their shifts very exhausted and, sometimes, in pain.

The most common injury experienced by construction workers are ankle and foot injuries. Construction workers often develop flat feet or severely painful arch problems that can hinder their performance and their lifestyle outside of work.

Construction workers should invest in good footwear, such as steel-toe boots, that are a high quality brand able to prevent blisters, calluses, and protect the feet from anything heavy that could fall on them. Weeks before working in new boots, it’s key to break them in as much as possible.

If construction workers experience a foot injury, they should take days off to recover and see a medical professional like a podiatrist who can identify the problem and prevent further pain and injury.

A great tip is to freeze a bottle of water before heading out to work. When you get home, roll your feet over the frozen bottle. Not only will this exercise reduce inflammation and pain, but also the motion of the rolling will get the blood moving in your feet.


Hairdressers often complain of foot pain at work, and this can result from repetitive straining motions; but also from a lack of supporting your feet and preventing foot problems well before pain and problems occur. If you are a hairdresser, try to remember to not lean on one dominant side when cutting hair.

Try to ground yourself and distribute your weight evenly on both of your feet. This will prevent pinched nerves and developing uneven arches.

Another way to prevent foot problems is to exercise and have a balanced diet. The more weight you carry, the more strain that’s placed on your feet, legs, and back. It’s simple—the more you weigh, the harder it is for you to be standing on your feet day all day.

Invest in a rubber mat for your chair and work space area. This will prevent developing foot problems and will keep your back healthy, too. Wear good shoes with less than a 1.5-inch heel to avoid severe heel pain. Absorbent pads and laces on the body of the shoe can help provide optimal support. Consider orthotics if you’re already experiencing foot pain as this will alleviate and correct current problems.

Preventing Foot Problems

Healthy feet are the key to a healthy life. Talk to a podiatrist professional such as the great team at the Superior Foot and Ankle Care Center and learn more about what you can do to keep your feet healthy.

Have you ever noticed that your child walks with their feet turned inward? Does this worry you? It is possible that your child has pigeon toe. But before you start stressing out with worry, here are some things that you need to know about pigeon toe and what might be causing the problem.

What is Pigeon Toe?

Pigeon toe (also known as in-toeing, false clubfoot, in-toe gait, metatarsus adductus, or metatarsus varus) is a condition that causes the toes to point inward. This condition is common in infants and young children. If your child is pigeon toed, it doesn’t mean that there’s something wrong with their feet, and it is not necessarily a problem. The term merely refers to the way the toes point when walking.

Pigeon toe isn’t painful of bothersome, nor is it known to cause other medical problems such as arthritis. Some of the symptoms of pigeon toe are:

  • Feet pointed inward (as if the toes are touching)
  • Stumbling (severe cases)
  • Clumsiness

Causes of Pigeon Toe

Pigeon toe can have a few different causes that are normal variations in the way the legs and feet line up. The three conditions that can cause pigeon toe are: metatarsus adductus, tibial torsion, and femoral anteversion.

Metatarsus Adductus

This occurs when the foot tends to resemble a kidney, or when the metatarsus adductus has an inward curve at the outer edge of the foot.

If your child has this condition, you will probably notice it while they’re still a baby. Sometimes your doctor might try braces or special shoes while the child is still a baby (six to nine months old) to help the bones grow straight.

This condition will not clear up on its own. It requires treatment which will vary depending on whether the condition is flexible or fixed. Most flexible cases respond well to passive stretching, bracing, or specialized shoes, where as fixed types require serial plaster casting (casts on the feet and lower legs that are usually put on before the child is eight months of age).

If the treatment for flexible cases doesn’t work, then your child will be re-evaluated to make sure that they don’t have club-foot instead of metatarsus adductus. Surgical correction may be necessary, especially in cases of club-foot.

Tibial Torsion

This occurs when there is an inward twist of the tibia (shin) bone. This is commonly seen in children learning to walk (under two years of age).

Even with the twisted shin bone, the knees will still point straight ahead. This condition may be a result of the baby’s position in the mother’s womb before being born.

Usually the leg will straighten out within the first year of life as the baby starts pulling up and standing, but some children may continue to walk pigeon-toed until the leg bone is done growing. Surgery may be necessary for children who don’t outgrow this condition by the age of 10.

Femoral Anteversion

This occurs when there is an inward twist at the upper thighbone. The kneecap tends to point inward when the child is walking.

Most children show this form of pigeon toe between the ages of two and four, after they have begun walking. Children with a twisted thigh bone often sit with their legs crossed, and the best way to treat this condition is to have them sit in a chair with their legs uncrossed. This condition usually clears up by itself, but it may take one to three years for the thigh bone to straighten. Generally, a child will outgrow this condition by age eight.

Treating Pigeon Toe with Exercise

While pigeon toe usually corrects itself as the hip bones strengthen, there is a chance that, in some young children, the hip bones may remain weak or the shin bones of the lower legs might turn in. Treatments for this may include physiotherapy, with exercises such as:

  1. Have your toddler or young child sit up straight in a child-size firm chair. Help your child sit in the chair with their legs uncrossed and feet flat on the floor. Trace your child’s feet in the correct slightly outward position onto a piece of paper and have your child sit in the chair with their feet in the outlines. Continue this exercise daily until the condition is corrected.
  2. Teach your toddler or young child to walk backward. Clear an area of about six square feet in your living room or backyard to avoid injuries. Continue this exercise for up to 10 to 20 minutes or as long as your child is able to do so. This exercise will help strengthen your child’s hip joints. Repeat this exercise regularly during play and walking time.
  3. Make a low walking beam for your child to walk on. Place the board of wood on two square pieces of wood or two bricks. Keep the plank three to five inches off the ground to avoid injury due to falling. Help your child walk across the plank two to four times a day and continue this exercise regularly until their walking is normal. This exercise helps the child place one foot in front of the other correctly, and strengthens the muscles that keep the hip and shin bones aligned.

Book a Consultation

Before you try to diagnosis your child’s pigeon toe on your own, you should make an appointment with a qualified podiatrist. Book a consultation with Dr. Vikki and Dr. Connie today so that they can help you figure out the right treatment plan for your child’s pigeon toe.

Thursday, 08 September 2016 11:28

How to Minimize Foot Inflammation

Foot Inflammation is the body’s attempt to fend off foreign, invasive objects, including bacteria or viruses. In other words, inflammation is an immunological response to remove potentially harmful foreign stimuli and to heal the site of invasion.

Inflammation often begins with irritation, and is then followed by suppuration (pus discharge). Then there is the granulation stage – the formation in wounds of tiny, rounded masses of tissue during healing.

Symptoms of inflammation include redness, swelling, pain, localized stiffness, and loss of functions. These symptoms may not often be concurrently present. Inflammation may also cause flu-like symptoms including fever, chills, fatigue or lethargy, headache, loss of appetite, and muscle stiffness.

Common Causes of Foot Inflammation

Foot inflammation is caused by injury, overuse, or other conditions causing inflammation of the bones, ligaments, or tendons in the foot. A list of common causes for foot pain can include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Achilles tendinitis
  • Arthritis
  • Bone spurs
  • Broken ankle/broken foot
  • Bunions
  • Corns and calluses
  • Diabetic neuropathy
  • Gout
  • Hammertoe and mallet toe
  • High heels or poor-fitting shoes
  • Ingrown toenails
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Paget’s disease of bone
  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Plantar warts
  • Stress fractures

Preventing Foot Inflammation

As necessary and inevitable as it is that we rely on our feet for mobility to engage in daily activities, there are many ways in which we can care for our feet so they continue to support us without causing us pain:

  1. Maintain a healthy weight: As the weight-bearer of the body, the more weight our feet have to support, the more stress they are put under. As little as 20 extra pounds on your body will change the way your feet function, increase the stress on your feet, and possibly trigger pain. If foot pain occurs during exercise, try switching to a low-impact sport such as swimming.
  1. Boost flexibility: Stretch the calf muscles on a regular basis, as they tend to tighten as you age, thus putting extra stress on your feet. Try the following calf-stretching exercise three times a day:
    1. Stand with your toes on a step with your heels of the edge.
    2. Slowly lower your heels and hold for 10 seconds; lift your heels to the starting position.
    3. Repeat five to 10 times.
    4. Do not force your heel farther than what feels comfortable. Complete the exercise one foot at a time if necessary.
  1. Avoiding high-heels: Wearing high-heels shortens calf-muscles and increases the likelihood of experiencing back pain. One study found that it takes only 66 minutes of wearing heels for the pain to kick in. Moreover, forcing your feet into pointy-toed heels can cause foot ailments such as ingrown toenails, bunions, blisters, and deformed toes.
  1. Ensure a comfortable fit: Feet change in shape in size as you age, so it is important to have your feet measured before you purchase a new pair of shoes. In addition, it is common to have feet of different size; therefore, be sure to have both feet measured and buy the size that fits the larger foot. Before purchase, also make sure there is about half an inch of wriggle room between your longest toe and the front of the shoe. Shop for shoes in the afternoon when your feet are usually at their largest, and wear the socks you would normally wear with the particular type of shoes.
  1. Take seated breaks: If you need to be on your feet most of the day, try to take seated breaks during which your feet can rejuvenate.
  1. Trim your toenails with care: Ingrown toenails are a common source of foot pain. Cut your toenails straight across; do not cut around the corners to match the shape of your toe.
  1. Stay hydrated: Dehydration can cause foot cramps, which can come on suddenly and cause sharp, debilitating pains. Drinking plenty of fluids, and eating food rich in potassium such as bananas and spinach will minimize the risk of experiencing foot cramps.

If you’ve taken the above steps and find that your foot inflammation is not alleviating itself, be sure to get in contact with Dr. Vikki and Dr. Connie today.

Do you find that you often have back or joint pain? Has anyone ever told you that you have terrible posture? The two are connected, and both have a lot to do with your feet.

Improper foot alignment can cause an array of problems, but you don’t have to live with them forever. Here are some quick tips on how to fix your posture by focusing on your feet.

How the Feet Work

Before you can learn how to fix your posture by focusing on your feet, it is important that you understand the feet themselves. Each foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles, tendons, and ligaments. The foot is divided into three parts: the hind foot (the ankle bone and the heel bone), the mid foot (a group of five irregular bones in the arch of the foot), and the forefoot (the metatarsals and toes).

Our feet move in different ways:

  • Plantar flexion of the ankle, which occurs when you stand on tiptoes. If you’re sitting with your legs out in front of you, plantar flexion of the ankle happens when you point your toes.
  • Dorsiflexion, which occurs when you stand on your heels with the balls of your feet lifted off the floor. If you’re sitting, dorsiflexion happens when you push your heels away from you and pull your toes toward you.
  • Supination, which takes place when you stand with your weight rolled onto the outer edges of your feet, lifting the arches and the base of the big toe. Non-weight bearing supination happens when you sit with your legs out in front of you and turn the soles of the feet so they start to face each other.
  • Pronation, which happens when you lift the outer edges of your feet as you stand, collapsing your arches. In sitting postures, pronation occurs when you press out through your inner heels and the bases of your big toes.

Correct distribution of weight in your feet can help give your body optimal postural alignment.

Common Problems and How to Fix Them

Two of the most common foot problems that can affect your posture are pigeon toes and duck feet.

Pigeon Toes
Cause: Weak glutes (butt muscles) and overactive tensor fasciae latae (outside of your hip).
Fix: Lie on one side with your knees bent 90 degrees and your heels together. Keeping your hips still, raise your top knee upward, separating your knees like a clamshell. Pause for five seconds, then lower your knee to the starting position. That’s one rep. Perform two or three sets of 12 reps on each side daily.

Duck Feet
 Weak oblique muscles and hip flexors, and overactive piriformis and the other deep external rotators (muscles really deep in your hip attaching the femur to your sacrum).
Fix: Get into a push-up position with your feet resting on a stability ball. Without rounding your lower back, tuck your knees under your torso, using your feet to roll the ball toward your body, then back to the starting position. That’s one rep. Do two or three sets of six to 12 reps daily.

Making Small Changes

While exercising your feet can definitely help with your overall posture, you should also consider making small changes to your everyday life. Some of the things that you can do include:

  • Being aware—take a while to study how you stand, or have your doctor on your next visit look at your legs and their alignment. A yoga therapist, chiropractor, or podiatrist with an extensive background in anatomy and physiology can do this for you, as well.
  • Make adjustments—your body might just need a change in how you walk. For example, if you notice you walk more toward your instep, adjust how you walk on your own. Find that correct distribution of weight and movement in your feet.
  • Build muscle strength and relaxation—if you have fallen arches, those muscles might be weak, work on them with yoga poses specifically targeting those muscles in the lower legs. In turn, some muscles may be too strong, pulling your leg and pelvis in a certain direction. Work on relaxing those in addition to building strength in your weaker sections.
  • Use traction exercises—traction, when done manually with a strap or belt, can be a great way to gently work your problem areas back to their most favorable shape, strength, or position.
  • Walk barefoot—our feet were made to walk just as they are. Putting them in heels or tennis shoes brings the foot into an unnatural shape, no matter how much they are advertised to be good for walking, running, or any other activity.
  • Try not to rely on insoles—you can have customized insoles for your shoes, and although they do make you feel better when you wear your shoes, they can’t always completely fix the problems that you’re having.
  • Be kind—treat your feet with kindness. Remember to massage your feet to release tension. Using a hard rubber ball under the soles and moving the foot back and forth works wonders.

Treating Improper Posture with Dr. Vikki

Since fixing the way your feet take your weight can help correct your overall posture, it is important that you have your feet properly examined by an experienced podiatrist. Book an appointment with Dr. Vikki and Dr. Connie today, so that they can help you get your feet back on the right track.

A foot fracture occurs when one or more of the 26 bones of the foot break as a result of either a sudden trauma or chronic overuse. In general, foot fractures come in two broad categories:

  • Full foot fracture: typically a result of a one-time trauma to the foot, such as a car crash or impact from a blunt and heavy object to the foot.
  • Stress fracture: caused by repeated stress to a bone or multiple bones in the foot, a stress fracture may sound less severe than a full foot fracture, but it still entails a breakage of the bone in the foot.

There are, in addition, different types of bone fractures depending on their nature:

  • Non-displaced: when a bone breaks but stays in place.
  • Displaced: when a bone breaks into two pieces that move apart from one another.
  • Comminuted: when a bone is broken in multiple places in the foot.
  • Open fracture: when a bone breaks through the skin after fracturing.

Home Treatment for a Foot Fracture

If you suspect that a fracture might have occurred, it is best to err on the side of caution and apply first aid treatment to the affected foot. The acronym RICE can help you remember what to do in such a situation:

RestRest the affected area. Stay off the injured foot until it can be fully evaluated. Walking, running, or playing sports on an injured foot may exacerbate the injury.

IceApply ice to the affected area as soon as possible, and reapply it for 15–20 minutes every three or four hours for the first 48 hours after injury. Ice helps decrease inflammation.

CompressionWrap an elastic bandage around the affected foot. The wrapping should be snug, but not so tight as to cut off circulation.

Elevation: Elevate the affected extremity; ideally, your foot should be elevated higher than your chest/heart area. Keeping your foot elevated decreases blood flow to the area, and thus decreases swelling.

Using nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or naproxen can help relieve pain and reduce swelling.

Visiting a Podiatrist for a Foot Fracture

If you notice increased pain, swelling, bruising, redness, or difficulty walking after an injury, you should see a podiatrist immediately. A podiatrist will take a complete medical history while examining your foot to look for areas of tenderness by applying gentle pressure directly to the injured bone. Often, the key to diagnosing a stress fracture is the patient’s report of pain in response to this pressure.

The podiatrist may then order tests, including an X-ray, ultrasound, or MRI, to determine the extent of your injury. You may not need further testing beyond an X-ray if it clearly indicates the location of the fracture. Otherwise, ultrasounds and MRIs will be useful for finding soft issue injuries (including torn ligaments) and fractures that might not have shown in an X-ray.

Treatment Options for Foot Fractures

Treatment for a foot fracture will depend on your injury. If you have a broken bone, your podiatrist may attempt to reduce the fracture by lining up the ends of the bones so they can heal properly (reduction). You’ll be given a local anesthetic to numb the area should this be your treatment option.

An unstable fracture in which the ends of the bone do not stay in place after a reduction may require surgery. Internal fixation is the procedure during which pins, screws, and/or metal plates are used to hold the small bones of the foot together during the healing process.

Caring for a Fractured Foot

Your podiatrist may recommend that you use crutches to keep weight off your foot until the pain subsides. Other recommendations for caring for your injury during the healing process include:

Modified activities. It typically takes from 6 to 8 weeks for a stress fracture to heal. During that time, switch to activities that place less stress on your foot and leg. Swimming and cycling are good alternative activities; although you should not resume any type of physical activity that involves your injured foot or ankle – even if it is low impact – without your podiatrist’s recommendation.

Protective footwear. To reduce stress on your foot and leg, your podiatrist may recommend wearing protective footwear. This may be a stiff-soled shoe, a wooden-soled sandal, or a removable short-leg fracture brace shoe.

Casting. Stress fractures in some of the bones of the foot, such as the fifth metatarsal bone (on the outer side of the foot), take longer to heal. Your podiatrist may apply a cast to your foot to keep your bones in a fixed position and to remove the stress on your involved leg.

If you believe you’ve suffered a fracture anywhere in either of your feet, be sure to get in contact with Dr. Vikki and Dr. Connie at the Superior Foot and Ankle Care Center.

You may be surprised to learn that a lot of the problems you have with your feet might also be the cause of your knee pain. Here’s a quick look at some of the conditions and diseases that can cause a combination of foot and knee pain.

Flat Feet

Many people with flat feet find that their ankles roll inward with each step. This excessive inward rotation of the ankle, tendons, and ligaments connecting the muscles and bones of the heel and shin bone will cause the inside of the lower leg to stretch further than the outside. As the lower leg is pulled out of line, the knee fails to track straight, causing knee pain.

There are a few ways in which you can tell if you have flat feet:

  • Get your feet wet and make an impression on a dry patch of flooring. The inside of the impression should be dry, as a healthy arch wouldn’t have made contact with the floor.
  • Place the soles of your feet together. Check to see if each instep is virtually in contact along the length of your feet, or whether there is a good parting of the feet around the midsection.
  • See if you can comfortably insert your thumb under your instep while standing.


Osteoarthritis occurs when the protective cartilage one the ends of your bones wears down over time. With osteoarthritis, the slick surface of the cartilage becomes rough and may eventually wear down completely, causing bone to rub on bone. It can damage any joint in your body, including your feet and your knees.

The symptoms of osteoarthritis often develop slowly and worsen over time. Symptoms include:

  • Pain
  • Tenderness
  • Stiffness
  • Loss of flexibility
  • Grating sensation
  • Bone spurs (extra bits of bone that feel like hard lumps)

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic inflammatory disorder that can affect more than just your joints. In some people, the condition can also damage a wide variety of the body’s systems, including the skin, eyes, lungs, heart, and blood vessels. Rheumatoid arthritis affects the lining of your joints, causing a painful swelling that can eventually result in bone erosion and joint deformity.

The condition occurs when your immune system attacks the synovium (the lining of the membranes that surround your joints). The resulting inflammation thickens the synovium, which can eventually destroy the cartilage and bone within the joint. The tendons and ligaments that hold the joint together weaken and stretch, gradually causing the joint to lose its shape and alignment.


Tendinitis, or tendonitis, is an inflammation or irritation of a tendon (a thick cord that attaches the bone to muscle. It is most often caused by repetitive, minor impact on the affected area, or from a sudden more serious injury. Incorrect posture at work or home, or poor stretching or conditioning before exercise may increase your risk of tendinitis. Tendinitis can occur almost anywhere in the body where a tendon connects muscle to bone, and can affect anyone of any age.

Symptoms of tendinitis include:

  • Pain at the site of the tendon and surrounding area
  • Loss of motion


Bursitis in a painful condition that affects the small, fluid filled sacs (bursae) that cushion the bones, tendons, and muscles near your joints. Bursitis occurs when bursae become inflamed, and most often occurs in joints that perform frequent repetitive motion.

Symptoms of bursitis can cause the affected joint to:

  • Feel achy or stiff
  • Hurt more when you move or press on it
  • Look swollen and red


Gout is characterized by sudden, severe attacks of pain, redness, and tenderness in the joints. It is a complex form of arthritis that can affect anyone, but is more common among men. Gout occurs when urate crystals accumulate in your joint, causing inflammation and intense pain. Urate crystals can form when you have high levels of uric acid in your blood. Your body produces uric acid when it breaks down purines (substances found naturally in your body), as well as steak, organ meats, and seafood.

Symptoms of gout include:

  • Intense joint pain
  • Lingering discomfort
  • Inflammation and redness
  • Limited range of motion

Treating Foot and Knee Pain

If you suspect that you have any of the above conditions or diseases, then you should schedule a consultation with Dr. Vikki and Dr. Connie. With years of collective experience in their fields, they have the experience to help you figure out what the root of your problem is.

Thursday, 25 August 2016 11:15

Foot Exercises for Strong Feet

5 Foot Exercises to Strengthen the Feet

Even the finest athletes forget the importance of exercising the feet. However, the fact is that when your feet are weak, the rest of your body will need to compensate. In fact, those with weaker feet are near guaranteed to experience back pain as they age.

To support your body and save yourself from injury, here are 5 foot exercises to keep your feet in their finest form:

1. Exercise Barefoot

The first step to stronger feet is to train them to support you without the help of fancy footwear. The greatest advantage to going barefoot is, of course, freeing your feet to utilize their full range of motion.

You can begin by simply walking barefoot around the house. Then, try walking around on your tip toes, balancing yourself only on the balls of your feet. Repeat sets of heel lifts, raising yourself up and down on the balls of your feet, while doing your best to maintain balance. Once you’ve gotten the hang of it, slowly increase the repetitions and duration, stopping before your feet become too sore.

The balance challenge is key to building strength and stability in your feet.

2. Run on the Beach

More specifically, run on the sand, or any similarly soft surface. The advantage of sand is that it shifts and responds to the force of your weight, improving your feet’s joint articulation while increasing strength and range of motion. Running on softer surfaces prevents repetitive trauma to the feet, reducing the likelihood of injury.

3. Resistance Foot Exercises

Sit down with your legs extended straight on the floor. Secure a flat resistance band to a sturdy post, and slip your foot underneath just past the toes. With the band firmly attached, try to extend the toes away from the post and towards your shin. Repeat sets by flexing and extending your feet. As your feet grow stronger, move your body farther back to create greater resistance, increasing the number of repetitions as you go.

4. BOSU Ball Balance

Exercising atop a BOSU ball is the perfect challenge to perfect your balance. The BOSU ball has an extremely firm dome, adding resistance against your feet as you force yourself to balance at an angle. Stand on the side of the dome, so that your toes are angled higher than your heels. From this position, perform sets of squats and/or jumps. For an extra challenge, try balancing on one leg, shifting your weight from leg to leg.

5. Plantar Stretch

Plantar fasciitis is a common foot injury that can be prevented with proper stretching. Seat yourself in a chair barefoot, crossing one leg so that your ankle is resting atop the opposite thigh. From this position, stretch the plantar fascia by grasping the toes and pulling them back towards your knee. Perform a set of 10 stretches on each foot, and repeat 3 times a day. Research has shown that patients suffering from plantar fasciitis had a 77% likelihood of resuming full activity when they performed this stretch.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Vikki and Dr. Connie

Don’t wait until an injury occurs to prioritize your foot health. Schedule a consultation with skilled podiatrists Dr. Vikki and Dr. Connie today. For all of your podiatric needs, contact the professional and caring staff at the Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016 11:14

Dietary Choices That Trigger Gout

What is Gout and How is it Triggered?

Gout is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis. A gout attack is characterized by sudden and severe episodes of pain, warmth, and swelling in a joint. Its underlying cause is a build-up of uric acid in the body over time. Uric acid is the resultant substance of purines processed in the body, in which purines are a type of protein found in human cells and in many foods.

Uric acid is transported by the blood to the kidneys and eliminated in the urine. Normally, the kidneys’ filtering mechanisms facilitate the ridding of this waste substance efficiently. However, if your cells overproduce uric acid or they produce a normal amount but your body cannot efficiently eliminate it, you have a rare genetic abnormality, or your diet and lifestyle elevate the amount of uric acid leading to a buildup, needle-like crystals can start to form in your tissues, resulting in swollen, painful joints.

Gout Triggers

Although triggers differ from one individual to the next, once you identify your specific triggers, gout can become easier to manage. Common triggers include:

  • Alcohol – This includes excessive intake of alcohol, especially beer, or binge drinking
  • Purine-Rich Foods – Eating large amounts of foods high in purines
  • Uric-Acid Lowering Medicines – Although they are perhaps the best long-term solution for controlling gout, beginning a new course of treatment using uric-lowering medications can actually trigger attacks. Contact the medical profession who prescribed the treatment if gout symptoms develop
  • Surgery or Sudden Illness – Those who are in bed or stationary for a long period of time are at higher risk of developing gout
  • Crash Diets
  • Radiation Therapy

Dietary Triggers

A study in the New England Journal of Medicine confirms what physicians have been advising their patients with gout for years: avoid frequent consumption of purine-rich foods such as meat, seafood, animal protein, and purine-rich vegetables; increase consumption of dairy products, as their proteins help lower uric acid levels in the blood.

Developing a lifelong eating strategy that focuses on following a healthy diet should be the goal for people with gout to reduce the likelihood of its recurrence. In general, it is advisable to reduce the amounts of food that you eat that are high in purines. If you already suffer from gout, eating a diet that is rich in purines can result in a five-fold increase in recurrent gout attacks.

Avoid the following high purines foods:

  • Red meat (beef, lamb, pork)
  • Offal (liver, kidneys, heart)
  • Seafood (especially shellfish such as shrimp and lobster, and oily fish)
  • Beverages and snacks that are high in sugar
  • Excessive alcohol — Drinking alcohol can increase your risk of developing gout and can bring on a sudden attack if you are already suffering from gout. Many beers contain large quantities of purines from the fermenting process; moreover, alcohol stimulates the production of uric acid by the liver. More importantly, alcohol is converted in the body to lactic acid which interferes with the removal of uric acid from the body by the kidneys. Reduction in alcohol consumption is particularly important for people with gout, especially if you are drinking more than the recommended healthy limit of 21 units per week for men, or 14 units per week for women.

On the other hand, the following foods may lower the level of uric acid in the body:

  • Skim milk and other low fat dairy products
  • Whole grain foods
  • Plant oils (olive, canola, sunflower)
  • Fruits with low levels of fructose
  • Vitamin C supplements
  • Fluids other than alcohol

Lifestyle Changes

Additional lifestyle changes that can help reduce your risk of experiencing further attacks of gout include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight – follow a balanced diet
  • Exercising regularly – try activities that don’t put too much strain on your joints, such as swimming
  • Drinking plenty of water – keeping yourself well hydrated will reduce the likelihood of crystals forming in your joints. Aim for 8 glasses of water a day: the 8×8 rule (around 64 oz)

There is also some evidence to suggest that regular vitamin C supplements, taken in the 500 to 1000mg per day range, can help reduce gout attacks.

If you’re struggling with gout and can’t seem to curb the associated pain, get in contact with Dr. Vikki and Dr. Connie at the Superior Foot & Ankle Center.

Thursday, 18 August 2016 11:12

Treating Foot Nerve Pain

Addressing Nerve Pain in the Feet

Foot pain isn’t just uncomfortable – it can be debilitating. It’s one thing if you have a physical injury that you can visibly identify and treat on the spot; nerve pain, however, can be a trickier beast to tame. You’ve likely experienced nerve pain in your feet before without knowing its cause: the pins and needles, the tingling, the numbness, muscle weakness, and the sensation that your foot has fallen asleep underneath you.

Nerve pain in the feet can stem from a number of different causes, depending on the specific nerve affected. Here’s a look at the various sources of nerve pain in the feet, and your best available treatment options.


You may be surprised to learn that lower back conditions are closely linked to leg and foot pain. This is due to the connecting sciatic nerve, the largest nerve in your body. The sciatic nerve runs down the spine and along the back of each leg, serving the primary role of connecting the spinal cord to the muscles in the leg and feet. Any damage to the sciatic nerve, such as in the lower spine, can actually manifest as crippling leg and foot pain, a condition known as sciatica. Pain experienced as a result of sciatica is often described by patients as being incredibly sharp, almost like a burning sensation.

Sciatica is not a condition in and of itself, but rather a symptom: the diagnosis would identify the underlying source of the nerve damage, usually a herniated disc in the spine resulting in compression of the sciatic nerve. Consult a specialist trained in treating conditions of the back and spine, and refer to your podiatrist for physical therapy and exercises you can do to relieve the pain in your feet.

Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic patients sometimes suffer nerve damage as an unfortunate result of their condition. This nerve damage, called diabetic neuropathy, most dramatically impacts the legs and feet. This causes pain and numbness, along with unpleasant sensations spanning pins and needles, tingling or stinging, and even hyper sensitivity in the affected areas.

Nerve damage is serious, and should be brought to the attention of a medical professional immediately. Since this is a tragic side effect of diabetes, the first plan of action is to consult your primary care doctor about how to better manage your diabetic symptoms. Personally monitoring your blood sugar more vigilantly is key, but your doctor may suggest altering your medication or dosage if your condition is deteriorating. From there, consult a skilled podiatrist about potential therapies or treatments to relieve the nerve pain in your feet.

Morton’s Neuroma

A pinched nerve in the foot, known as Morton’s neuroma, is a benign but painful condition. A neuroma is essentially a thickening of the nerve tissue in the toes, forming a lump-like growth, often found specifically between the third and fourth toes. The main symptom is the sensation of having a pebble lodged beneath the toes, accompanied by cramping, numbness, or tingling. These symptoms are exacerbated by tight and otherwise poor-fitting shoes, most notoriously high heels.

The cause of a neuroma is usually chronic irritation, pressure, or trauma to the nerve. High-heels have been a proven contributor to neuroma growth, along with certain high impact sports such as jogging. Patients with existing foot deformities such as bunions or flat feet are more prone to developing a neuroma.

Your podiatrist will carefully examine your feet for any signs of a growth, and may even perform imaging tests such as an X-ray or ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. They will likely suggest custom orthotics to remove the weight and pressure from the nerve. If your condition is more severe, surgery may be required to relieve the pressure or remove the affected nerve entirely.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Vikki and Dr. Connie

Only a skilled podiatrist can accurately identify the source of your foot pain, and map out the solutions you need. Schedule a consultation with trusted podiatrists Dr. Vikki and Dr. Connie at the Superior Foot & Ankle Care Center for happier, healthier feet today.

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